Thursday, April 23, 2009


My blogging neighbor told me he didn't want to be my friend today...

I can only hope he's kidding.

Personal Landscape

Here is a personal landscape that I created out of scanned materials and images I took and found online.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shocking News!

So, recently I was on catching up on some current events going on around the world. As I was browsing I came across an online article from Boston, Massachusetts. Here is alink to the article: Apparently, students from Boston Latin High School have been dealing with the possibilities of vampires roaming throughout their school. The article concluded that many of these theories about possible vampires came from the recently released vampire flick "Twilight" and that there was undoubtedly no vampires in the school. I beg to differ. I searched through the archives of Boston Latin High and came across some significant evident proving that vampires to exist within the building. Here is a scan of a page from the school's 1984 year book. Look closely and you'll realize that the articles conclusion was obvious wrong and that vampires, though elusive, do subsist among the students. Who knows, maybe the movie "Twilight" wasn't so unrealistic.